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Far Infrared Ray Hot Compress Waist Belt
The Heated Waist Brace & Support is very comfortable, convenient and safe. The material has very good elasticity and has a compressed Neoprene rubber. The heating soft flakey material allows for even heating over a large surface area.
The Heated Waist Brace & Support is very comfortable, convenient and safe. The material has very good elasticity and has a compressed Neoprene rubber. The heating soft flakey material allows for even heating over a large surface area.
Product Description (產品介紹)
Product Information(產品描述)
1. 促進身體新陳代謝,調節神經系統,疏通經絡,促進身體新陳代謝, 激活內分泌。 2. 鎮痛祛寒,擴張血管, 促進血液循環,調節神經, 活化細胞緩解身體局部疲勞與疼痛。燃燒體內多餘脂肪達到一定的減肥目的。 3. 健康者的日常保健。腰部防護健美。 4. 遠紅外滲透到皮膚深處,分解過氧化脂質等有害物質並通過汗水和尿液排出體外 促進血液循環,提高表皮溫度,激活人體穴位,達到針灸的效果,從而產生經絡效應,經絡是人體氣血運行的路線,它把人體的四肢五髒六腑緊密聯系起來,而穴位位於經絡上的一部位,在人體氣血運行的過程中起到承上啟下的重要作用。,能滲透皮膚及皮下組織,與細胞中的氣血產生共振吸收效應,加強血管內活性物質的釋放。適合:身體畏寒怕冷者、產後痛、下腹部寒冷、腰部寒冷疼痛、胃寒胃痛、保暖護腰,腰肌勞損、腰間盤突出、骨質增生、關節炎、塑身健美或日常保健防護。 根據每個人身體情況,及患病時間長短,患病原因,體內風、濕、寒、瘀的嚴重程度,感覺會稍有不同。感覺分別為:針刺感,癢感,和不同程度的熱感,那是功能層在進行排毒治療,堅持使用會有明顯的關節病症減輕現象 |
Product Characteristic
1. The hot moxibustion therapy of Chinese medicine origin is one of the heating therapies, which makes the blood vessels dilate, improving circulation which assists in the removal of unwanted toxins in the muscles and joints. 2. These products are durable, flexible, and safe to machine wash. |
(主體)護腰(1pc),家用直插式電源變壓器(1pc),調溫器(1pc),外出黏扣式電池盒(1pc) 使用電源: 直插變壓器(全世界電壓通用)交流電AC100~240V 轉直流電DC 8.4~9V(安全電壓) |
What The Package Include:
The belt itself (1pc), adaptor (1pc), temperature controller (1pc), battery box(1pc) Sources of Power Supply: Adaptor (the globe in common use) AC100~240V transfer DC 12V (voltage safely) |