Powered Far Infrared Heating Vest - US
秋冬保暖, 發熱背心
防寒,保暖,適合居家。外出,戶外活動,外出保暖,高山工作,釣魚愛好,登山健行...等,冬天禦寒保暖不受寒。 如另外加購充電式鋰電池可充電,外出攜帶好方便!!
Powered Far Infrared heating vest uses far infrared heat wave to relaxes muscle and boost blood circulation. It's recommend to use for slow down or stop the development of degenerative process of the body, as well as to alleviate the symptoms.
This vest can provide warm during fall or winter, outdoor activities, fishing, hiking and more. It's suitable to use at home or outside. Rechargeable battery can be purchase separately, convenient to use for travel.
****** Free Rechargeable lithium battery ($48value) ******
Product Description(產品介紹)
Product Information(產品描述)
常常腰酸腰痛嗎?或是下背痛嗎?早晨起床或長途開車,站起来後就覺得下背部沉重緊蹦,或是脚会感到脹痛,甚至發麻等。脊椎每天不停地運動,彎曲,擠壓,日積月累地磨损消耗,就会產生(腰椎退化症) 。遠紅外線背心,熱療可以放鬆肌肉促進血液循環,主要目地是停止或減緩退行性變的發展,以緩解各種症状為目標。肩胛肋骨( 膏肓) 及腰椎的疼痛,退化性腰椎關節炎,等有助於舒緩坐骨神精被壓迫的症狀。
1. 遠紅外線發熱, 無電磁波, 不影響健康, 是保暖好幫手。 2. 本背心設計為防潑水處理, 內外層布料為尼龍材質; 夾層包覆柔軟纖維棉絮, 中心拉。鍊式設計, 穿脫容易。 3. 本熱滲透背心採微控開關3段式溫控, 低中高三種溫度可自由隨心所 欲設定。 4. 本熱滲透背心共有S/M/L/XL等尺寸。 |
Do you constantly have sore back or low back pain? Whenever wake up from bed or after a long road trip, you can feel the back is heavy and tight when stand up. Or even foot pain/numb. Under everyday pressure, exercise, bending, the spine can go under lumbar degeneration. Powered heating vest uses far infrared heat wave to relaxes muscle and boost blood circulation. It's recommend to use for slow down or stop the development of degenerative process of the body, as well as to alleviate the symptoms.
1. These heated panels of the vests are the heating flakiness consisting of composite semiconductors that generate heat the body, they are covered with polyester tape , and adopt flaky area to generate heat rapidly. Their thermal efficiency is high and they generate symmetric heat. 2. The exterior of heating vests are made of the soft and elasticity clothes, it is easy to wear and take off. 3. There are three stages of temperature control: low, mid and high. Select any temperature that's suit you. 4. The vest come with different sizes, which are S/M/L/XL. |
(主體)背心(1pc)、控制器(1pc)、電源器(1pc) 使用電源: (1) 充電式電池:採用高容量鋰電池,7.4V/ 5200mAh, 持續發熱可達 3~4小時,相較於一般類似產品容量更大,有效時間更穩定而且可 隨身攜帶既方便又行動自如。 (2) 變壓器電源:一般家用電即可使用。 ****** 充電式鋰電池, 另購 ****** |
What The Package Include:
The vest itself (1pc), controller (1pc) and the adaptor (1pc) Sources of Power Supply: (1) Rechargeable battery: Using the 7.4V/5200mAh lithium battery, can provide heating for 3-4 hours. Easy to carry and travel around. (2) Adaptor: Can be use at home. ******Rechargeable battery need to be purchase separately****** |